Pacific Coast Bikepacking Day 2

Pacific Coast Bikepacking route14.gif
  • Experience: The day started before I could find coffee and quickly led me to the magical mists of Fort Clatsop. Shortly thereafter I was crossed by runners in one direction, and then another. They ran towards me, along with me, and really seemed to be going in every direction. Their route must have zigged and zagged all over. What should have been a road to myself was heavily trafficked with more minivans than molecules, all of them had window paint promoting team names like Still pooping, kit shickers, blister sisters, feet's of engineering, raining down a dream (seems like they missed the obvious team name here), #freebritney....and so on...

  • Weather: hot! Cold! Hot! Cold! Mostly sunny and clear.

  • Roads: Smooth with scant shoulders and lots of traffic. A lovely path in Seaside that was so bloated with Hood-to-coasters that I couldn't squeak a wheel in anywhere.

  • Spotted: snake, herons in the mist, a squirrel. The choice beer can to leave roadside transitioned from Michelob Light to Keystone, and the energy drink changed to Red Bull.

  • Cape count: 3 (Arch Cape, Cape Falcon)

  • Fort count: 4 (Fort Clatsop)

  • Camp site lowdown: quiet, expansive camp area surrounded by happy chopstick trees. Deer frolicking in the periphery. A bike path nearby with the occasional dog and walker passing by. Raised square sandboxes for tents. Tasty water, and full locking charging station, tools and pump. Restrooms down a windy path. Hot, glorious, clean showers with dog hitching posts outside.

  • Fun meter: whoo hoo! hoo!.....whoo hoo! (D.S. al fine)

  • Achy breaky body parts: none.

  • Mechanicals: Welp. Neither headlight will turn on. How did they both work fine a few days ago and both die at the same time?

  • Deep Thoughts ®: My mind is empty, feeling the moments and not much else.

Photos From the Tour

Are Your Curious What I Ate While on this adventure?

I brought no cooking supplies and depended on the local markets and eateries. Here’s a selection of foods enjoyed on the trip.