Everything is back to normal


I planned to write about another cold day, but I bundled up and was quite infected by the weather. This, of course is due mostly to the amazing life-saving Cold Killer Pant my mom got me from Title 9 Sports. I can’t imagine wearing any other pant in cold weather commuting.

The dreamy empty roads of the holidays are over. Cars and bikes are back to their normal winter numbers. I watched a car turn from a “no turn on red” lane while the light was red. As the car barreled into a steady stream of cyclists, one yelled, “NO TURN ASSHOLEWWWWWWW!” I couldn’t believe how well I heard him holler through his balaclava, the guy had pipes. Needless to say, I am certain the car didn’t hear him. And even if he had, he would have thought, “What the hell is wrong with all these bikers? I have the right of way!” See, if the car was being an asshole, he would have turned at any time. But he waited until the lane next to him turned green. If he had noticed his light was still red, he probably also would have seen the stream of bikes he turned into. I am certain the driver simply didn’t pay attention to the sign in front of him while he waited at the red light and/or didn’t pay any attention to the light at all. He was probably tired and possibly still hungover from the holiday. I wish there was a way to alert people of the ways their inattention puts others in danger, but that’s the problem with inattention, they probably just won’t notice. I am a cynic like that. It was hard to watch those bikes respond, I know what it feels like to be them.
Fremont Bridge Bike Count: 199