Polite Commuter or Annoying Commuter?

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The above image is the intersection at Blanchard and 7th downtown. It’s an intersection I pass every day. In the winter months I tend to see only one or two other cyclists on the intersection, but during the summer it can be a steady line of bikes making the bike numbers equal or more than the cars. The street paint is worn, making the sharrows a sort of vague suggestions. Most bikes behave like the red bike above, passing all cars as though there was a bike lane. When they turn left, as most cars also do, they end up getting a right of way as bikes can weave through the pedestrians before cars and few Seattle drivers are going to not give cyclists a right of way. I tend to sit in line with the cars (the green bike above) because I don’t feel like it’s right that the steady stream of bikes get to go sometimes making the cars sit through several red lights. However, I am taking up space a car could use, along with making my commute last longer. I am not sure which is best to be, the green bike or the red bike. I constantly struggle with this. I feel like when I am on narrow streets with sharrows but no bike lane, it’s safer for me to ride in line with the cars (as long as I can keep up with their pace). But I can’t accelerate or break as fast as a car, making my behavior a little different than the cars around me. Since nearly all bikes behave like the red bike above, I struggle wondering what is right. If anyone reads this and has an opinion, please share!