Seattle to Portland (STP) 2005

My STP adventure began Thursday evening when I dropped my bike and luggage off at the Amtrak station. Afterwards I biked over to the Hollywood Theatre to watch first ever MS 150-sponsored movie night. A group of MS 150 Coordinators showed up, promoting the ride and handing out buttons. We watched “Breaking Away” from 1979. It was a subtle and wonderful film. Before the movie the lead coordinator talked and showed us a film from last years ride that brought me to tears! I boarded the TriMet bus bright and early Friday morning and then transferred onto the train. I had a pleasant ride up to Tacoma, with nice overcast views of the area. Many passengers were also going to the STP. They were easy to spot, with their bike jackets and jerseys, ride day tee shirts, and helmets. I felt so incognito, with only my conservative bike fleece to give me away. The rain fell heavily when I got off the bus in Tacoma. A headache started to brew from not drinking enough water. The water I brought to drink had floatie chunks and I dared not to drink it. My aunt Geri picked me up and we drove to her family’s huge house in Puyallup. I rested my headache away at their house while they ran errands. For dinner, the 4 of them treated me at a cute Italian restaurant owed by the family of one of my cousin Emerald’s friends. The food tasted divine and the service was fabulous! I choose my meal based on the waiter’s recommendation. I ate chicken piccata with artichokes, sun dried tomatoes, and an Italian sauce over fettuccini. It hit the spot, but put me directly to sleep. I slept all evening, making myself the unexciting guest. Geri woke up at 4:30 Saturday morning to drive to the start line in Seattle. With all the traffic, I still didn’t get to the start until 6:00. When I tried to air up my tires, the gauge got stuck on my valve and I ended up blowing the tire trying to get it off! It was my first flat with this new bike, but luckily the event did not set the tone for the ride! I met up with Jo and Brian’s friends, Kenny and Michelle, before the ride. We started the ride off with another Denver couple and a friend of theirs from Seattle. It took me a while to get used to the bike traffic, and even longer to realize the group never really would spread out. It is hard to perceive 8000 people on bikes going the same place at the same time. I was pleased to find every rider to be courteous and alert on the ride. Although I expected the STP to be swamped with ‘hot-shot’ riders, it really was a ride just like all the others. There were babies pulled by trailers, tots on tag-a-longs, racing bikes, fat tire mountain bikes, families, tandems, triple tandems, quads, recumbents, tandem recumbents, home-made bikes, tricycles, big wheels, and a unicycle. Yes, someone rode 204 miles on a unicycle! I saw older folks, dressed up folks, chubby folks, and bikes so old I marveled at their functionality! The first day went pretty smoothly. The food was okay. Free handouts consisted mostly of fruit, Cliff Bars, and Ultima Drink. I am not a big Cliff Bar fan and I found the Cotton Candy-tasting Ultima drink repulsive. Luckily I did not need too much sustenance and I was able to buy Gatorade to drown out the Ultima taste. I rode a mph faster than I expected! I didn’t get really tired until mile 75. We rode from Seattle to Renton, then Kent, Auburn, Algona, Pacific City, Sumner, Puyallup, Spanaway, Yelm, Rainier, Tenino, Bucoda, and finally to Centralia. I slept overnight in Centralia. The place was allright, but I was not impressed with the organization. I got the feeling that there were too many people to make the facilities feel special. Several eating places had long waits or simply ran out of food. There were about 1/3 as many massage therapists as there could have been. Still, it was a beautiful night and I felt great! I woke up Sunday morning earlier than I wanted to. The sounds of riders getting ready penetrated my earplugs. I slept terribly. The night consisted mainly of frequent uncomfortable wakings and horrid nightmares. My butt complained agonizingly, but somehow I managed to get back on the bike. The first 10 miles I began to wonder how I would ever finish amongst all the soreness and fatigue. But, by mile 130, I knew I could do it! Sunday brought a light rain for several hours. I cut up a plastic divider sheet and strapped it to my handlebars with twisty ties to hold the ride map. It kept the map dry for the most part. One rest stop was hosted by high school FBLA members, to which I hollered out, “Hey, I used to be in FBLA!” They didn’t seem impressed. At the St. Helens rest stop I really caught my second wind. That one was hosted by band members and boasted popcorn. I blasted through the last 30 or so miles, passing rider after rider as I tireless pushed on. My driving force, knowing the faster I rode the sooner I’d get off the bike, kept me going. On the second day we rode through Chehalis, Napavine, Winlock, Vadar, Castle Rock, Lexington, Kelso, Rainier Oregon, Lindburg, St. Helens, Scapoose and then Portland, at last! I met up with Kenny and Michelle just before the finish and we wheeled into Portland together in a huge group of finishers. The after party yielded lots and lots of freebies, some yaki soba noodles and all things bike. I am now planning my riding goals for next year! Zoe, exhausted from Teething-baby sleeplessness, picked me up at the party and my night ended in delight. I did it, I rode not only farther than ever before, but faster than I ever thought possible. On top of that, my body felt fine! There is an amount of saddle-bottom soreness, but my muscles feel fine, even without a massage! I am now taking requests for people who want to ride with me next year!

DAY 1: start: approx. 7:15AM, 6.41 hrs. ride time, 10hrs. elapsed time distance: 100.2, av 15 mph DAY 2: start: approx. 6:45AM, 7.22 hrs ride time, 9hrs. elapsed time distance: 103.8, av 14 mph